Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Book Review : Free Book by Brian Tome

I just recently had the opportunity to read the Free Book by Brian Tome. This book is all about your freedom and the fact that you might not be as free as you think you are. A portion of the cover of the book states, "I'm sick of seeing people live safe, predictable lives while their God-given passions die." Is this you? Is this the way you see your life? Imagine living a life free from the troubles and burdens of this world.

I would give this book a 6 out of 10. It was a very easy read, contains alot of scripture but somewhat failed to keep my attention. I felt that I connected with what he said through a few chapters, but was almost bored through alot of it. I had a hard time keeping attention as I read. As alot of the other reviews have said, this book is probably better for new, younger Christians. It is very simple and straightforward. Seems to be just a rambling of the authors view points on the Christians in this world today. He has a lot of good points and good scripture to back up his points, but it just really failed to keep my attention. It is a small book, only 230 pages, so it's definately a quick read.

I think I would recommend this book to new Christians to just give them that extra boost of inspiration for following Christ, but other than that, it's just very average.